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·POSITION:NewsCompany Activities → Implementation of the “Five-minute Safety Thinking Method”, Putting Effect on the Safety Production Responsibility System for all Employees

A Cautionary Education Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of the August 3rd Accident
Date:2023/8/4  View:  【 Font Size:Big Medium Small 】  【CLOSE

On the morning of July 29, BLUESKY organized to held a cautionary education conference on the 3rd anniversary of the August 3rd Accident, never forget the past and deeply learn from the accident. Looking into the future,  coordinating development and safety, and striving to take the road of high-quality development.

A Cautionary Education Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of the August 3rd Accident

The conference began with viewing the cautionary education film of the August 3rd Accident, and bowed heads in silence for the dead.The explosion occurred at 17:39:29 on August 3rd, 2020, it was full of devastation and sorrow in the eyes at the site.The cautionary monument at the site of the accident warns every of our BLUESKY persons, be awesome in the heart on the safety, and safety comes first as always.

Director of Safety, Zhang Jie, Deputy General Manager of Production, Yao Fan, Deputy General Manager of Comprehensive Management, Han Runsong, and Minister of Production, Lee Wen, made speeches respectively.

All participants at the site solemnly swore that the bitter lessons from the August 3rd accident would be kept in mind tightly, for the happiness of the family, for the development of the company, strive to be a safety oriented employee, firmly guard for safety production on the red line, the bottom line  and the lifeline.

The Chairman, Feng Qionghua, delivered a speech and summarized the lessons learned from the accident, analyzed the shortcomings of current work and planned for future work.

A Cautionary Education Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of the August 3rd Accident

Feng Qionghua stressed that our accident became to a story for others.Faced with the heavy blow of the accident, we recalled the painful experience and stood up.

Over the past 3 years, we’ve listened to the Party, followed to the Party, and resolutely shouldered the main responsibility.In accordance with the timetable of the Three-year Action Plan, the Four-zero Clearing has be completed resolutely.

Over the past 3 years, our thoughts unified, organizational structure optimized, we have taken the road of resumption of work and production,15 lines  have been improved essentially on safety, and the resumption of work and production have been achieved.

 Over the past three years, we have implemented the Work Safety Law and other laws and regulations, taking "12345" as the key to fully implement and enforce the system of full responsibility for work safety.

Feng Qionghua proposed that, in 2023, we would hold the developing banner of "specialized, refined and strengthened", take the developing road of "one main with two wings".In 2023, we would implement the principle of "development should be safe, the economy should be stabilized, and the teams should strive for progress", development and safety coordinated. In 2023, we will implement the requirements of "taking a broad view of the world, discerning pearls with wisdom, seeing high and low with great minds" and "talent follows the project, talent follows the benefits", and strive for progress while maintaining stability.

Feng Qionghua emphasized that, in order to achieve sustainable development, we needed to improve the quality of development through our own reform, transformation and upgrading.

Firstly, always take safety as a prerequisite. We must put safety in the first place, adhere to the "12345" as a grasp, the implementation of the "Five-minute Safety Consideration Method", the implementation of the system of responsibility for production safety.

Secondly, actively perfect standardization. Strengthen management, implement normalization, standardization and digitization. Attach importance to the construction of safety standardization, full participation, implementation and gradual integration with the management system.

Thirdly, boost the spirits. Externally, purchasing, sales and other departments should work harder and more diligently to develop the market and fully tap cooperation potential. Internally, one mind, one action and one goal, make concrete moves, do practical things.

Fourthly, take the road of high-quality development. We personally need healthy growth, and the company needs high-quality development. We need strengthen the construction of the team and continue to create a good atmosphere for doing business. We need to perfect governance structure and system of the corporate, carry out key core technology research, accelerate digital transformation and technological transformation, and improve the competitiveness of the company. We should focus on the existing products, to be specialized, refined and strengthened. To accelerate the construction of ZHONGYU, turn the track, gain momentum, anchor to the "electronic-grade chemicals" and "new energy materials", and step forward unswervingly.

Do not forget the tragic lesson of the August 3rd, we stay safe and move forward!

Do not forget the tragic lesson of the August 3rd, we must be bigger, stronger and better!

As long as we are united as one, forge ahead as one, we must have the courage and confidence that we can win the future!

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